Thursday, June 25, 2009

Purge. Label. Re-Arrange. Repeat.

So, this is the first day this summer that we have been home most of the day. I got up this morning thinking I would get a lot done today.

I did.

I made a huge mess.

I emptied out a couple of storage cabinets in the school room and that's about it. I emptied them. Onto a card table. And my desk. And the floor. It looks like a crazy person lives here.

Maybe that's because a crazy person does live here.

After I started pulling things out, I realized it wasn't so disheveled that I really needed to completely empty everything out. In fact, all I'm really doing is moving things from one shelf to another and putting new labels on things.

So now, I'm going to be up all night, trying to put everything back. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing I would wake up to a mess.

I do this a lot.

We've only lived in this house 14 months and I've cleaned out the school cabinets at least 4 times already. I've cleaned out my scrapbooking storage area 8 times. I've cleaned out the bedroom closets 5 times. I've cleaned out our coat closet 2 times. I've cleaned out the pantry 3 times.

I purge. Then I label. Then I re-arrange. Then I repeat.

Purge. Label. Re-arrange.

Purge. Label. Re-arrange.

Why do I do things like this?

Maybe I'm addicted to my label maker.

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