The afternoon of News Year's Eve was spent watching videos of Bailey and Zack. It is amazing how much they have changed and grown over the years. We laughed at Bailey (18 months) picking Zack's nose (10 months). We listened to Zack (2 years) "read" The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We cried while we watched Bailey's adoption referral video, filmed at the Babies' Home in Seoul. We were amazed, once again, by the miracle of our children.
Something struck me, while watching videos of my sweet babies. Maybe it is because we were married for 9 years before having children, I don't know, but time does not seem to be zipping by like I thought it would. I have heard time and time again, parents advise me to enjoy every minute because children grow up so fast. Watching Bailey and Zack as babies I was amazed that it really doesn't seem like yesterday. It seems like 7 years ago.
I believe the agonizing wait was, actually, a blessing. I had time to enjoy my marriage and plan for my future. I think this is why I have enjoyed every minute of being mommy. I haven't taken a single moment for granted. I love my children more than life itself.
That is why, I think, I don't dread seeing my children grow up.
Of course, Bailey was cute and silly at age 2. But, you know what? She is beautiful and compassionate, and, yes, still silly at age 7. I am in love with Bailey - not her age.
Zack was a sweet, chubby, drooly baby at 9 months. I loved seeing his pudgy arms reach for me. At 7, though, he gives the best hugs and makes me laugh like no one else can. I love the boy named Zack, not his age.
So, as Bailey's birthday rolls around next month, you won't hear me complain about the fact that she is getting older. You will hear me sing and cheer and celebrate the fact that the world has been blessed by the presence of my amazing daughter for 8 entire years! What a miracle!
I am blessed.
I am excited about what the future holds for my family.
I am ready to celebrate!
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