Zack makes me laugh.
When he was born, I said I wanted to name him "Laughter". Kris talked me out of it, but that name would have fit him very well for several reasons.
I first wanted to give him that name because of the Michael Card song about Sarah that says,
"They called him Laughter, for he came after
The father had made an impossible promise come true."
"An improbable infant, a punchline, a promise come true.
They laughed til they wept, then laughed at their tears
This miracle baby they've wanted for years".
Then later, my dad said our story was proof that God has a sense of humor. You know, begging for a baby and then having two within 4 months! That's funny! So, let's name him "Laughter!"
Zack is funny. His one-liners keep us laughing all day. He wakes up funny and he goes to bed even funnier! So, why shouldn't he have the name "Laughter"?
He tells jokes, and puts grapes between his toes. He makes insightfully hilarious comments about the world around him. He makes funny costumes and tries to train the dog to do silly things. He hides in boxes and wears underwear on his head. He helps me see the humor in the mundane. He gives everyone and everything funny nick-names. He belly laughs in his sleep, dreaming, I guess, of his plans for the next day.
My mom called they other day and said, "I just wanted to call and see what Zack said today!"
Bailey has always enjoyed his humor. When they were babies, he would make funny noises to make her laugh. One day, Bailey was upset and fussy. Nothing we did would calm her. Then Kris had a brilliant idea. Go get Zack. We held Zack over her crib and bingo! Her tears turned to laughter! He still believes it is his job to make her laugh and he does. Daily. She calls him "my funny brother".
I tried to keep a journal of the funny things that he says and does, but it's impossible to write down everything. I have decided to quit trying to record everything he says and just relax and enjoy him.
He is a delightful child. He is a little ray of sunshine that burst unexpectedly into our world. He is a joy!
So, why not "Laughter"? Or a least "Isaac"?
Well, because his name is "Zackariah" - "Jehovah has remembered you" - and that name fits him even better.
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