This is our reading corner. I started reading to Bailey and Zack when they were infants. They have now developed their own love for books and spend a lot of time in this little corner. Library books are kept in the white basket between the bean bags. This makes a huge difference when the due date rolls around. We don't have to search then entire house for library books. The cute little hedgehog bean bags came from Target. They are made out of corduroy and are super-soft and comfy.
These are the snowflakes hanging over our reading corner. We had suns in August and September, owls in October and November. I'm not sure what I will hang up next. Raindrops maybe? or Kites?
This is a handy place to keep our current favorites. These books are the ones that are most reached for. The latest and greatest titles include "Tobia, the Quig, and the Rumplenut Tree", "Tops and Bottoms", "The Wide-Mouthed Frog", "Peeny Butter Fudge", "Super Hero Swamp", and "I Saw an Ant on the Railroad Track."
Bailey and Zack enjoy having their own workspace. All of their school supplies are kept in their desks and their text books are in little book bins on the floor beside each desk.
Behind their desks, we hang artwork on a clothesline hung over the windows. There are flashcards on the windowsill.
The big yellow tub in the corner contains "Free Choice Time Activities". There are lots of goodies in the tub that serve as great motivation tools!
These are the built in storage cabinets and entertainment center (which we use as a computer desk.) The desk top is a constant source of frustration because it stays so cluttered. I am still trying to find a way to keep this area organized. It drives me crazy!
This is the front of the classroom. We have a white board/chart stand combo that my mother bought for us, a felt board for storytelling, and one of my many handy-dandy pocket charts. There is also a huge pocket chart (not pictured) that hangs on the back of the door.
Art is very important to our family. These are Bailey and Zack's art supplies that they use daily. The cabinet beneath is also full of supplies. We do something creative everyday!
Behind my desk is Bailey and Zack's library. These books are organized and color coded. I created my own coding system for our little library and it works wonderfully. We have around 520 books that are currently in our system. Bailey and Zack also have their own "private collections" that are in their bedrooms. We love shopping for books and frequently add to our library.
This is the top of my desk. Every once in a while, when working on a big project, I clear off my desk and we use it as a shared work table. Most of the time, though, this is my little spot.
At the end of each messy school day, we take a few minutes to tidy up our classroom. Bailey and Zack have a great respect for learning and work hard to maintain their learning space. Each morning, they walk into a clean classroom, excited about what new and exciting things await!
Would you sell one of your hedgehogs bean bags?