OK, OK, I admit it. I am one of "those" moms - one of those horrible mothers who will not buy video games for her children. I am mean, unfair, dorky, and old fashioned. I am in the minority. You know what? My children are surviving just fine. While I am making unpopular confessions, I may as well tell you we do not have satellite TV or even old fashioned cable. We have rabbit ears and a DVD player. I DO let them play games on the computer - more on that later.
Now, before you get offended, let me also tell you that I do NOT think families with video games are bad or evil! I am just defneding myself against parents who think I am bad or evil for not letting my children have them! Every family has it's own ideas. I am just telling you why my family doesn't do the video game thing.
It struck me last night as I was cooking dinner. Kris had taken Zack to basketball practice. Bailey was sitting at the kitchen table, painting a picture. The house was quiet. The only sounds were dinner sizzling on the stove and Bailey's soft voice, telling me about her day. It was peaceful. It was perfect.
The house is not always so quiet, but I prefer the sounds of children's voices to the sounds of TV or video games. Speaking of the house, it is not always clean, either. There is paint on the table, clay in the floor, some kind of contraption hanging from the door frame of Zack's room, a science experiment growing in a bowl in the bathroom sink.
Yesterday at lunch, Bailey and Zack were telling me about their plans for the afternoon. They listed off all the things they enjoy doing.
Bailey paints, weaves pot holders, sews little heart-shaped pillows, designs fashions for her dolls, writes stories, and reads - a lot. It is not unusual for her to finished 7-8 chapter books a week. She writes songs and plays them on her violin. She also enjoys interior decorating, scrapbooking, riding her bike, and cooking.
Zack invents things with lego bricks and tinker toys. He writes comic books. He researches all kinds of subjects and draws pictures about what he has learned. He read a book about juggling and is learning to juggle socks, oranges - whatever he can find. He is training the dog to do tricks. He builds solar ovens and grows flowers in a tiny garden.
Do they miss having video games? I don't think so. Remember? I let them play games on the computer. I tried using computer time as a reward instead of candy or allowance. They each have over an hour of computer time accumlated and they haven't used it. Why? They just don't have time. They are busy with other things.
They are busy going to figure skating lessons, basketball games, and making countless trips to the library. Zack spends a couple of hours each week in Pa Pa's shop, learning woodworking. Bailey takes violin lessons, Zack takes piano lessons. They both enjoy going to the park, Palo Duro Canyon, the Botanical Gardens, the Discovery Center - we make outings a priority!
We also love to travel. Our scheudle is flexible enough that we can get away for family trips to the mountains, or Dallas, or even just to Lubbock for a day trip.
In the evenings, we play board games, maybe watch TV together if there is something good on (which is rare), Kris reads "The Hardy Boys" to them (they have finished 17 books in the series), we eat dinner together, and talk. We listen to their adventures and the story lines of their books. We listen to their long monologues about things like friendship, God, war, forgivness, boogers, how cool it is to be double jointed, why pink and black are the perfect color combination for evening gowns, and the ultimate gross-ness of boys. Zack entertains us with his latest barrage of knock-knock jokes. Bailey gives concerts on her violin.
Our lifestyle requires an amazing amount of work. I am always cleaning up messes, driving Bailey and Zack to lessons, outings, and practices. I am always playing games, finding art supplies, maneuvering through the obastacle course that is Zack's "inventing studio", racing to keep Bailey stocked up on books, or planning our next family trip. Kris doesn't sit on the couch and watch TV when he gets home from work. He doesn't "veg out" on the computer or take a nap. He and Zack sit in the floor and play with legos, or he takes the kids around the block on their bikes, or plays chess, or visits with Bailey about figure skating and American Girl dolls. We are very busy parents and yes, we are always tired! Is it worth it? Yes, of course it is!
There may come a time in their lives when Bailey & Zack beg for video games and we may have to re-visit the issue. I have done a lot of things I said I would "never" do. But for now, I am enjoying our video game - free lifestyle - even if it makes me one of those horrible, mean, unfair, dorky, old fashioned moms.
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