Thursday, August 5, 2010


So in the past, I have just used this blog to update family and friends on the life and times of our little family. Sometimes I am able to keep it up to date and sometimes I simply do not have time to post pictures and updates. That's just the way life is.

I am sure I will keep trying to keep it updated with photos and stories. In fact, I am going to try to post some summer highlights soon. But, today my blog is going to take a break from it's original purpose and it is going to turn political.

Yes, I said political.

I tend to keep quiet about my political views. I am not outspoken or boisterous about current political issues. I read and I vote, but I am not comfortable discussing politics. I have some very strong opinions about things, but I keep them to myself. That's just the way I am.

However, there have been some things happening lately that have just made me want to say, "OK. Enough is enough." There have been times in the past few months that I have wanted to make my opinion known, but then I have talked myself out of it. I am not confrontational. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I don't want to rock the boat.

But today, I am in a "boat-rocking mood". Maybe it is the rain. Maybe it is exhaustion. I don't know. But today I am finally going to say it -

Enough is enough.

I know that most people in our part of the country are republican. I know that most people strongly disagree with president Obama. We are all entitled to our opinions and I am grateful that we are blessed with freedom of speech.

But, I am angry.

I am angry that there are so many republicans who disrespect the office of the president of the United States of America by comparing our president to a monkey. I am angry that there are so many Christians who have so little respect for a living soul, created by God.

I am tired of people reserving places in hell for politicians. Really? God gave you that job? Really? YOU are the eternal travel agent? I had no idea. That is amazing. I thought we were to love, not judge. Disagree with others, debate issues, vote the way we feel we should vote, make our opinions known .... but not damn others. That is not our job. We are not God. We are not given the right to proclaim who is going to hell. I am appalled at the arrogance. Sickened and disgusted.

I am angry that people who are offended by "democrat haters" allow themselves to become "republican haters". I am tired of hearing people say they want respect and tolerance to be shown to them and in the next breath, rip apart the other "side".

I am angry and I have had enough. So the next time you want to forward an offensive email or post your hate in facebook, think. That's all. Just think. We are called to love, not condemn.

My sweet 7 year old little girl has been so blessed with a Godly wisdom. Every night, before bed time, she bows her head, folds her hands, and prays, earnestly, for President Obama. There is no hate. There is no condemnation. There is only love and a strong desire for our nation and our President to follow God. Shouldn't you, in all of your "adult wisdom", be doing the same?

And you know what?

I am republican. I disagree with Obama.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said. Regardless of weather or not the current president is our president of choice, he is still our president ! The leader of our country and people. He deserves respect and we should pray not only for our president, but also for our congress people for wisdom and knowledge.
