T-Ball and tornadoes just don't mix.
We should have known something was up last week when a storm spotter came to the game with his camera. "Something's coming" he said, "you probably shouldn't even start the game." But, being the die-hard t-ball coach that Kris is, he started the game anyway.
Zack was playing the outfield in the middle of the first inning when the sky started looking a little angry. I got in the car and turned on the radio just as the NWS was issuing a tornado warning. I jumped out of the car and grabbed the kids (and Kris) and away we went.
The game was rescheduled for the next evening, and it rained again. This time they were at least able to finish the game . . . .in the rain.
Finally, on Monday night, we were able to play a dry, mud-free, tornado-free game.
Yikes! Tornados are scary. I posted some pictures on my blog of a twister than hit near our house Monday night.