He was just a voice on the radio - a nice voice, but still just a voice. He was famous in his corner of the world. Girls were dreamy-eyed when you mentioned his name. He had a following, but I was not part of that following. To me, he was just a voice.
My best friend, though,
she was part of his following. She spoke of him almost daily. "He is so great," she would say, "You should listen more!" So I listened. He was funny. He was clever. He had a nice voice. I didn't see what all the fuss was about.
Until this day, my birthday, 20 years ago. This was the day my world would turn upside down.
My friend arranged a live, "on-air" birthday wish from her favorite morning show hosts. My phone rang at 6:30 that morning and I groggily answered.
"Is this Melissa?"
I recognized the echo-y voice from somewhere.
"Hi this is Kris and Rod from the morning show!'
"Your friend, Grace, called and told us today is your birthday!"
Who were this people and why were they so happy at this hour?
Laughter on the other end of the line. Stupid radio people.
"Well, we just wanted to call and wish you a happy birthday! Is there anything we can play for you this morning?"
More laughter.
"So, tell me, Melissa, were up and listening this morning?
I think they know the answer to that one.
Belly laughs on the other end.
"Well, tune in when you wake up OK? Maybe in another hour or two? Happy Birthday, Melissa!"
"That was great! That was classic!"
That was annoying. I went back to sleep.
My friend recorded the entire conversation on a little black cassette tape and played it at my birthday party. I was still a little annoyed by the whole thing.
He wasn't annoyed by me though. He claims that phone call was the beginning. He claims that after that crazy conversation, he knew he had to meet me.
My friend introduced us a few weeks later. We were both able to put a face with the voice over the airwaves and it was love at first sight. He became much more than
just a voice and I knew I had met the love of my life.
20 years later, I can still say, that annoying, early morning, FCC-rule-breaking phone call from those loud radio guys is the best birthday gift I have ever received.
I love you, "Chris Carmichael."