When I was a little girl I was afraid of elderly people. I remember being terrified to visit nursing homes with my parents. I think a lot of children feel this way. There is just something about the elderly that frightens young children. It's sad, but that is just the way it is.
But, Bailey is different.
She loves being around older people. She has a quiet compassion that I cannot explain. She has always had a bond with my grandmother, so maybe that explains her love for the elderly. I don't know. All I know is that she kind, gentle, tender hearted, loving and not at all fearful when she is with them.
She is not afraid to talk to them, hug them, caress their hands.
Last weekend, she played Christmas songs at two different nursing homes. Her violin teacher encouraged the students to stay for a few minutes and talk to the residents. Bailey made her way around, shaking hands and whispering (as only Bailey can) "Merry Christmas."
I noticed the other students were hesitant, as I would have been. Not many stayed to visit. In fact, by the time Bailey has visited with two or three people I noticed many of the other students were on their way out the door. But Bailey wanted to stay.
She is so soft spoken, I'm sure most of the residents couldn't hear what she was saying, but I did. I heard her and watched her and it melted my heart. She took each hand in hers, looked them in the eye, and whispered kind words. They may not have heard her, but they felt her. They felt her loving touch and they smiled.
One man had obviously had a severe stroke. His face was drawn and his hand was shriveled. When I saw him, I wondered what Bailey would do. Would he frighten her? I watched as she went to him, rubbed his shriveled hand, smiled, and again whispered "Merry Christmas."
As tears came to my eyes, my sweet Bailey did her little "happy skip" and said, "I like old people, Mom."
She has a heart like no other.