Monday, August 31, 2009

The Honeymoon Is Over

We've lived in the house for 16 months and the honeymoon is coming to an end.

I am very frustrated with the kitchen. The windows are bare. Mini-blinds. That's it. Yuck. And the color scheme? I'm still not sure. This cannot be allowed to continue.

The laundry room. I spend a lot of time in there. Isn't there something I can do to make it more appealing? I mean, no one ever sees it except me, but still . . . . .

And our "school room" is a little too much "school" for my taste. I wouldn't mind so much if I didn't have to share my little piece of scrapbooking heaven with our homeschool classroom. But what to do?

The backyard. Augh! I don't even know where to begin. It's just not. Not at all.

I loved this house last year. I think I can love it again. I've just got to get busy and make something happen. I've gotten too comfortable. It's time to make some changes.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Homeschool and A Violin Lesson

What a great week! We started back to school this week and it was so much fun! The new curriculum is incredible and the kids are loving every minute of it.

Monday morning, I went into Zack's room to wake him up for school. He is usually an early riser, but he was still so tired from our trip to the mountains that he slept later than usual. He hopped right out of bed when I reminded him it was the first day of school. Tuesday, he was up at his normal way-to-early-for-me hour. He came bounding into our room and said "Mama! Did you forget we have school today? Get up! Get up!" I am so glad he loves school and he is doing great! He is a super-fast, eager learner. It is so much fun to teach him new things.

My sweet Bailey wants to learn and really enjoys school. She is doing really well, even though it's more of a challenge for her. She had a rough day on Friday. Lots of rocking and buzzing . . . unless you have a spectrum kiddo, it's really had to explain. Nothing seemed to help. We finally got through the school day and we were both exhausted. It was one of those really hard days. We were both in tears.

I had to pull myself together and try to calm her down because we had a violin lesson at 2:45. I really questioned whether or not we should even go, but she desperately wanted to see Molly and Lamb Chop, her violin teacher's 2 dogs.

So, we went.

And it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. She played flawlessly.

The music just flowed from her.

I have never heard her play that way before. It was amazing. Where did this come from?

It was a gift. A gift that may not be there next time, but it was there on that day and it touched me.

Monday, August 10, 2009

That Kid Makes Me Laugh

I guess he has his daddy's sense of humor - slap-stick, off the wall, sometimes warped, always a tiny bit odd. . . . . Zack is always making us laugh. He is such a silly little kid. From grapes between his toes, to his not-so-subtle life observations, he keeps me smiling.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Candy Land and My Amazing Life

Sometimes is it something tiny that can make me stop in my tracks and thank God for my amazing life.

Like today.

I found two little cards from our Candy Land game under the couch cushion and I just froze. My heart skipped a beat. "Oh my goodness" I thought "there are two little kids living in my house. I can't believe I'm a mom."

I spent so many years dreaming of what life might be like if I were a mommy. You would think that by now, I would be accustomed to two little people sharing my life, but I'm not. I am still amazed that after nine childless years, God blessed me with two beautiful children that I can call my own.

Who would ever dream that Candy Land could make a person teary eyed. . . . .