My poor Zacky is so tired. He coughs non-stop and has almost lost his voice. He feels "good" and wants to play, but I am afraid to let him go out side. It has been a hard, frustrating week.
This "asthma stuff" is all brand new to us. What can he do? What should he avoid? How much longer will he need to use a nebulizer? What do we do if he passes out again? What do we do when he starts wheezing? Can he still play basketball? How many more medications are we going to have to try? How many more doctors will we have to see? . . . .so many questions and so little answers.
There have been lots of tears this week - his and mine. There have been lots of doctor's bills to pay and lots of prescriptions to fill. There have been lots of sleepless nights and lots of prayers.
If I could sum up this week in one word it would be "fear" and I am so tired of being afraid.